Friday, 2 May 2014

My 5 Product Makeup Look!

Hello everyone, I am very excited to be doing my first blogpost today! Well it's actually not my first blogpost, believe it or not all my posts have been deleted accidentally, thank God I only had three! Anyway sorry if the writing seems a bit rushed, I am just trying to redo all the blogposts as fast as I can.

Anyway this is my 5 product makeup look. I use this on a very regular basis, because I am very lazy with makeup and want it to take as fast as possible, and also I think the less products that are on your face, the more natural the look is.

So for this look I am using Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation, Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer, Maybelline ''The Falsies'' Mascara, and Rimmel Stay Matte Powder, and Nivea Gloss Wonder Balm. (But you can choose a gloss/balm of your choice.

Hope you like this look and please check back for my next blogpost later on today! Thank you for reading and I hope you are having an amazing day!

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