Wednesday, 31 December 2014


2015. It doesn't even look like a real year. To be honest I'm still getting over the fact that we are not in 2010 anymore! However scary it might be, I'm planning on making 2015 the best year of my life so far. Here are my goals for the year ahead. 
1. This year I want to actually write in a diary every day (not just the first three days of January like I always do!) I feel like time goes so fast and taking a moment to reflect on what happened at the end of the day will slow things down. With this diary I also want to take a photograph every day and tape it in. When 2016 comes I can look back at how much I did during my fifteenth year on the planet!

2. 2015 will be the year where I stop procrastinating and get my life organised! I am the most unorganised, scatterbrained person in the world, its out of hand and I really just need to get myself together! I need to have a tidier room, do my homework before I binge on Netflix/YouTube, and wake up in time for school! I believe that I can actually stop this habit and that's exactly what I'm going to do!

3. Schoolwork and study. I have really let this one slip! I always feel really unmotivated to study, but I am going to make an effort to try harder this year. I'll have a lot of catching up to do, but I reckon I can still pull it off. 

4. I want to do something creative every day. Whether that is working on a painting or a piece on the piano,  I want something to be proud of by the end of the year. I also want to read a lot more and maybe learn the guitar? We'll see!

5. I want to be positive and to be the best human being I possibly can. A lot of the time I am not a very positive or happy person. I'm an extreme over-thinker and I would be a lot happier if I stopped thinking so much, and just tried my best. 2015 is the year of having a positive mental attitude and just having a laugh. I also want to be a nice person, be kind to everyone and not judge anyone. I once heard a quote and it was "Be the type of person you want to meet." Which is exactly the type of person I want to be!

6. I have phases where I want to blog every day, and phases where I just want to quit altogether. But this year, I'm going to try and be the best blogger I can, even if I only post once or twice a week, I just want to keep blogging. And I hope you want to keep reading too!!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope 2015 is a great year for you! Happy New Year, I don't know about you but I'm pretty excited for when the clock strikes 12! 

1 comment:

Thank you for the comments, I really enjoy reading them!