Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Colours I Want To Dye My Hair.

Ever since I was very young, I have always wanted to dye my hair. I'm naturally dark brown, but next year I want to experiment and do a bit of colouring. I'll probably start off with something subtle, but I can see myself in the future having lavender purple hair, icy blonde and pastel pink. Here is a list of hair inspiration. If you are planning on colouring your hair like me, I hope you find this helpful!!

Top row - Natural - Left to right: 1. I love this really icy blonde hair, but dark brows // 2. Dark blonde with grown out roots // 3. Again cool-toned blonde, keeping roots natural // 4. I think this will be my first hair-dye, because I love these light brown highlights. // This really faded pink shade is soo pretty, and it isn't too bold, nice and subtle.

Middle row - The purples - Left to right: 1. + 2. I love these warm-toned magenta colours, can definitely see myself with this kind of hair. // 3. I think this is one of my favourites, cool-toned lavender. // 4. This pink/blue ombre is amazing! // 5. I like this fuchsia colour with grown out roots.

Bottom row - Mix - Left to right: 1: This rainbow-ombre looks so cool and holographic. // 2. I love this blue-grey colour but would I be able to pull it off? // 3. This is one of my favourites, a really dark indigo purple. LOVE! // 4: A really really light lavender with dark purple roots. // 5. Another one that isn't too in your face, a really subtle wine. I love this one!

Down below are the bigger versions of the pictures. Thanks so much for reading and I'll be back with a new post on Sunday! You can leave a comment or tweet me, I'd love to know what colour you would like to dye your hair. Xxx


  1. Have wanted to dye my hair lilac for sooo long! I'm scared to go drastic though. I might just do a dip-dye (far better for my already damaged hair!)

  2. I've got dark brown hair, but I just chopped off about six inches to get rid of the split ends and damage. I want to dye it lavender so badly! It's such a beautiful color, but I've never done anything more than an ombre on the tips. I imagine it would be pretty damaging to achieve this look if you have dark hair, but a girl can dream.

  3. Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks. (BLACKWOOD)


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